Contact Us
Contact Us
For questions regarding cabinets, services, our schedule, or employment opportunities please contact us here.
Office Phone Number: (218) 523-3035
(All of the following areas can be addressed by contacting the following person at the number listed above.)
Office Directory:
Scheduling & Purchasing-
Alyssa M. - Alyssa@waterworthswoodshop.com
Design, Estimate & Consultation-
Alec J. - Alec@waterworthswoodshop.com
Design, Estimate & Consultation-
Austin K. - Austin@waterworthswoodshop.com
Office Admin., On Site Consultation & Measurements-
Al K. - Al@waterworthswoodshop.com
Computer Tech. & Programming-
Dillon S. - Dillon@waterworthswoodshop.com
Systems Development, Marketing & Customer Accounts- Nick V. - Nick@waterworthswoodshop.com
Production Prints, Accounting & Machinery Maintenance-
Tim W. - Tim@waterworthswoodshop.com
If You Need Help W/ Anything Other Than What Is Listed
Marcus W. - Marcus@waterworthswoodshop.com
By Email:
If you are unable to get through on the phone listed above or if the email form above has not gathered a response, you can contact Marcus at (218) 686-7268 or by his personal email at marcuswaterworth@hotmail.com