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Waterworth's Woodshop inc.

29195 Pembina Trail Northwest
Viking, MN, 56760


Custom Cabinetry Woodshop Specializing in high-quality custom built cabinets, counter tops and built-in furniture.

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WWS Merchandise

  • Please complete the form below, referencing the items displayed. For multiple item orders, specify the items, sizes, and quantities in the "Additional Information For WWS" section.

  • Upon placing your order, an electronic invoice will be sent to the provided email. After payment, items will be shipped promptly.

  • WWS usually has these items in stock; however, if they are unavailable, expect a 2-3 week delivery time.

  • Existing WWS customers are entitled to one free item with each discount code used.



Cutting Boards- $65 + Shipping (if required)

Item Descriptions

Clothing- All listed clothing is locally sourced, printed/etched and designed. We only use good quality clothing that will hold up well for use among our hardworking craftsmen and women.

Cutting Boards- We produce a very high volume of product through the WWS facility. We are also very mindful of keeping waste to a minimum. These WWS handcrafted cutting boards utilize beautiful wood of varying species that has been incorporated throughout various projects at WWS. Thes cutting boards feature 3/4” staves for durability and appeal and are a great feature for your kitchen. The WWS logo is H20 proof and safe for cutting.